Friday, December 13, 2013

...μήτρα, matrix...

File:UpsilonAndromedae D moons.jpg

"(...) terras sem ter lugar (...) Mas, se vamos despertando, 
Cala a voz, e há só o mar." ("As Ilhas Afortunadas", Mensagem, Fernando Pessoa)

"(...) lands without having place (...) But, if we are waking,
Shuts the voice, and there is only the sea." ("The Fortunate Islands", Message, Fernando Pessoa)

μήτρα, matrix, numen dispositio: not Big Bang: primeval atom: a dispositional atom. Errans (wandering), the wandering of the Being in the precognitive alterity of the “to can be” in the “to come to be” of the Being: Being and Nothing.

No, there was not, in the primeval atom, all the information of our cosmos condensed in a point, there was just a dispositional matrix. “God”, if we can speak of one, played dice with himself.

File:Clouds over the Atlantic Ocean.jpg

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Fiat Unum…

 File:Sea otters holding hands.jpg

Fiat Unum: Entanglement?! Particles?! What?! Why?!

1) Particles are cognitive expressions of the fields.

2) Particles do not travel: particles propagate.

3) Particles have a geometric configuration, each particle has a geometric configuration, depending that configuration upon the relations in the fields.

4) Considering that each particle expresses a system of relations, then, each particle is an entity with a systemic nature, if each particle is an entity, then, we have to think of individuation, then, each particle has an individuated geometric configuration sustained by an entanglement of nonlocal quantum relations, without that entanglement there would be no particles, and certainly there would be no propagation of these particles.

5) The particles have to be sustained by a cognitive nonlocality in the sense that they are a synthesis: a synthesis of what?! Each particle is a synthesis linked to an ontology of brevity of a pattern in a NowTime flux.

6) Particles are expressions of the fields' cognitive dynamics, they have the time of a thought in a thinking flux for the existence.

Entanglement is the substance that supports the existence, the existence of the particles, our existence, the existence of each and everything. 

Friday, August 16, 2013 holes are not entities...,


Black holes are not entities, the entities are the systems, in the case of Sagittarius A*, the GalaxySystem.

The black holes are, in the systems, the “pantry” (lacking a better term)…, the systems need to guarantee a permanent critical mass available for dynamics of sustainability, if the black holes are the main source of nutritive energy for the galaxies, the source that guarantees them their systemic permanence, therefore indispensable for the sustainability of the galaxies, the galaxies must also be capable of the dynamics that guarantee their BlackHoleness…, not forgetting, in these dynamics, the role of the electromagnetic fields, in the flux that comes from the FutureNow to the PresentNow, which signalizes to the system the respective constitutive vital needs.

Without the electromagnetic fields the systems would not know anything about the gravitic proportionality that must be kept in the black holes (the “pantries”).

Of course, if things go wrong, and they can always go wrong, it will be for reasons of reflexive “anomaly”: the error is always enacted by “anomaly” in the cognitive dynamics linked to systemic reflexivity/reflexibility.

Monday, June 3, 2013


...reflections…, (re)flectere: the ontology of existence, we fold upon ourselves in ourselves synthesizing the beginning and the end in a same dynamics of existence, and there we can transcend, we can enact dimensions of us in us, opening the possible tunnels of our existence. From the FutureNow to the present... (re)flectere, the key to other suns, the key to other universes...,

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Nature, Mundus, Cosmos...

In the genetic pool of the words, transmitters and vehicles of transmission play the game “of survival”, drawing projectively a sense of subsistent essence or eidos of web of rotative synchronic solidarity.

Considering the terms Nature, Mundus and Cosmos, these can be approached as an example of synchronized genetic compatibility, exemplifier of the same eidos of web.

Nature, from the Latin natura (gnatura, natus, gnatus, nasci) with the meaning of birthing, has its Greek equivalent in ousia, which means: to produce, to give birth to. The equivalence of the terms makes displace a semantics of condensated parallelism that connects them to the Greek term gignomai with the meaning: to come to be. In turn, natura and ousia are related with the term genesiz (birth). All that exists in the Mundus, exists as presence and existence (natura, ousia, dasein).

In turn, the concept of Mundus synthesizes a sense of “set” of all the physical realities considered as existent realities: entities, patterns, structures, relations, situations and processes. In the gravitic web of meanings, the term Mundus is connected to the Greek term Kosmos by a relation of neighborhood compatibilized in a gravitic rotativity of active order, rooted in the cognitive displacement that signalized the passage of the mythological thinking to the so-called rational thinking.

According to some tradition, it was Pythagoras who introduced in the Greek thinking a notion of Kosmos, as the order that presides and resides in all the things. However, the notion of Kosmos appears, before, in Anaximander (Diels, frg, 12A10) and Anaximenes (Diels, frg, 13B2).

Nature, Mundus and Cosmos are gravitically linked to a trajective displacement of an eidos of order. But to speak of order implies to speak of synchronicity, term formed from the Greek syn+kronos, which means, literally, a relation of simultaneity between different times, thus eliminating a tempting assumption of reductive uniformity evidenced by some discourses on order. An order depends upon differences and not upon equalities. Harmony depends upon differences compatibilized in a systemic point: pattern, structure, and thus: order.

In this sense, at the fundament of genetic compatibility between the terms Nature, Mundus and Cosmos is a sense of constitutive irreducible difference, sustained by a dynamics of synchronicity, approachable from a topology of web of rotative synchronic solidarity.