Sunday, December 20, 2009

...the there-of-the-being…

By: Maria Odete Madeira

The anticipation of the future, the recovering of the past and the opening of the present constitute, in Heidegger’s thinking, experiences of the human discovery of the sense of the being of the Dasein, that is: its temporality, the there-of-the-being, the topos of the discovery of the being, placed in the existence as being-the-there, that is: being ente, being that one, or that thing that refers itself and addresses the being, itself, as ontological difference of the same being projected towards the anticipated future... losing itself in the decadence of the present that lives the anguish of having been.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Between the paradox and the antinomy...

By: Maria Odete Madeira

Veritas acquist exegesis aliqua res...

Between the paradox and the antinomy there is a fundamental ontologic and epistemic difference, marked by the resonating rotative interval of the rhythmic meaning (significado) of the genetic interval of separation between the topologies of the “in itself” (em si) and of the “to itself” (para si), approachable from the systemic notions: ontology-in-web and ethos-in-web.

Perhaps more interesting than the meanings of each of the terms (paradox and antinomy), may be the perception, reflection and the respective cognitive processing of the ontologic difference.

Monday, December 7, 2009


By: Maria Odete Madeira

In an amphibology (amphibolia,…, ambiguitas, atis) of the Being and of the ens/ente (the one that is, quod est), the human ear is seduced by the resonance of the Verb: the dictum, as Verb, displaces the essence of the Essence as constituent difference between the Being in the Being and the Nothing in the “Same Being”, in a simultaneity of the Being, itself, as rotative metabolized processing of “Itself”: Being and Nothing…, …

…Paradox? Are there Paradoxes? How could there not be Paradoxes?