Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Nature, Mundus, Cosmos...

In the genetic pool of the words, transmitters and vehicles of transmission play the game “of survival”, drawing projectively a sense of subsistent essence or eidos of web of rotative synchronic solidarity.

Considering the terms Nature, Mundus and Cosmos, these can be approached as an example of synchronized genetic compatibility, exemplifier of the same eidos of web.

Nature, from the Latin natura (gnatura, natus, gnatus, nasci) with the meaning of birthing, has its Greek equivalent in ousia, which means: to produce, to give birth to. The equivalence of the terms makes displace a semantics of condensated parallelism that connects them to the Greek term gignomai with the meaning: to come to be. In turn, natura and ousia are related with the term genesiz (birth). All that exists in the Mundus, exists as presence and existence (natura, ousia, dasein).

In turn, the concept of Mundus synthesizes a sense of “set” of all the physical realities considered as existent realities: entities, patterns, structures, relations, situations and processes. In the gravitic web of meanings, the term Mundus is connected to the Greek term Kosmos by a relation of neighborhood compatibilized in a gravitic rotativity of active order, rooted in the cognitive displacement that signalized the passage of the mythological thinking to the so-called rational thinking.

According to some tradition, it was Pythagoras who introduced in the Greek thinking a notion of Kosmos, as the order that presides and resides in all the things. However, the notion of Kosmos appears, before, in Anaximander (Diels, frg, 12A10) and Anaximenes (Diels, frg, 13B2).

Nature, Mundus and Cosmos are gravitically linked to a trajective displacement of an eidos of order. But to speak of order implies to speak of synchronicity, term formed from the Greek syn+kronos, which means, literally, a relation of simultaneity between different times, thus eliminating a tempting assumption of reductive uniformity evidenced by some discourses on order. An order depends upon differences and not upon equalities. Harmony depends upon differences compatibilized in a systemic point: pattern, structure, and thus: order.

In this sense, at the fundament of genetic compatibility between the terms Nature, Mundus and Cosmos is a sense of constitutive irreducible difference, sustained by a dynamics of synchronicity, approachable from a topology of web of rotative synchronic solidarity.