Forces?! Forces cause?! Forces are caused?! No! They are neither caused nor do they cause! The category of causality as explicative criterion does not apply in what regards the dynamical ontology of the forces.
The forces are immanent, the forces determine, they do not cause. The causality criterion, even if applied provisorily, can be applied to that/those which the forces determine, those that were determined by the forces: we, the others, the things of the world, the relations in the world, in the Cosmos, in the existence; determinations in the sense of having been immanently risen by the forces.
The determinations of the forces can, even if provisorily in terms of scientific pragmatics, be stated as gifted of causality: to the action, to the thinking, to the feeling, to the arbitria, to the relations, to the survival, for what we do or want to do.
At the level of the determinations, one can speak of emergent causality with origin in the determinations themselves, but the constitutive forces, the so-called fundamental forces are not emergent; and, of course, are dispositions of a unified ontology, to the Cosmos, to the order, to the make to rise of the things, to the make to rise of the order, dimensional order, multidimensional order, order to the existence, to the presence, to the life, to the individuation, to the limits, to the identity.
Questions like what causes gravity(?!) do not apply, gravity concerns a unified immanent ontology that determines always whenever it is necessary to determine.
Control the forces?! Nonono, no one controls one’s own determinations and much less the others’. The forces that made one rise, that were at one’s origin cannot be controlled. And at this level we can be surprised by the “clinamen”. Any attempt to control will have to think on possible and cognitively undeterminable sudden dynamics, without any possible anticipation.