Saturday, November 24, 2018

"Black Hole Computers"?!

All order/pattern depends upon calculation/computation. Cosmos/Order/Reason/Ratio. Ratio: calculation, rationem ducere: computare, to calculate. The Cosmos computes, the fields compute, our cells compute. Our cells compute, calculate, we depend upon that calculation, we depend upon that computation. The cosmic order (the patterns, the entities/identities) depends upon a fundamental computation, without computation there is no pattern, there is no Cosmos.

The fields compute, the particles are the result of the fields’ computation. Particles are the expression of an order produced by the fields. The fields are the entities. The interactions occur in the fields, the fields are the agents, the fields are the producers of order.

Particles are very brief geometries synthesized by the fields, they are the cognitive outputs of the fields, they appear and disappear at the speed of the cognitive processing in the fields, and they do not travel, the fields propagate the computed pattern.

Information is not fact, is not act, is not thing, is not entity, is not place, has no topos that is proper to it. Information is a systemic dynamics towards the fact, towards the act, towards the thing, towards the entity, towards the place, towards the topos. Data is already actualized pattern, not the same as information, information is dispositio for the computation.

Entities compute, but entities are not computers, in the sense of the Sapiens’ category. To compute is about action, the action of calculating, but one thing is the computation of an onto-cosmological system, another thing is our computing artifacts. An onto-cosmological system follows the cosmic rules, with metaphysical conditioning. The Cosmos is not what we want it to be, the Cosmos is what it is and we are in accordance with the rules of the Cosmos. A rock is not what we want it to be, a rock also follows the patterns/rules of formation cosmically imposed.

We also have to consider the sentient systems when we deal with onto-cosmological systems, in terms of self-referent systemic reflexive processing, systems that can rewrite their initial conditions towards onto-systemic jumps, these systems compute as living agents with objectives of survival, objectives of dimensional permanence. One thing is these systems, another thing is our tools to which we assign names in accordance with the functions that they are used for, as an example, a hammer is that which serves to hammer, a computer is a tool for running computations, a computer is an extension for our computing actions. For instance, in order to eat we use tools, we also use tools for enhancing our computation abilities and solve problems, these tools are the computers. Computer, in French ordinateur, is defined as a programmable calculation machine. When we produce knowledge, we are producing order, knowledge is order, to produce knowledge we can use tools, the ordinateur helps us to place things in order, to perform computations.

Do black holes compute?! Black holes are not entities, the entities are the systems, the systems compute, black holes do not compute.

The black holes are, in the systems, something like a dynamics of gravitic “pantry”, the systems need to guarantee a permanent critical mass, available for dynamics of sustainability, if the black hole dynamics is the main source of nutritive energy for the galaxies, the source that guarantees them their systemic permanence, therefore indispensable for the sustainability of the galaxies, the galaxies must also be capable of the dynamics that guarantee their BlackHoleness, not forgetting, in these dynamics, the role of the electromagnetic fields, in the flux that comes from the FutureNow to the PresentNow, which signalizes to the galaxies the respective constitutive vital needs. This is about dimensional sustainability, without the electromagnetic fields, the galaxies would not “know” anything about the gravitic proportionality that must be kept in the black hole dynamics.

Like galaxies, so it is for other systems, for instance: “If our sustainability fields signal to us what is right and what is wrong in what we do, state, make, they also signal to us that which hides itself in what shows itself, as long as we are capable of the autopoietic dynamics synchronized by self-determination for knowing that which we are supposed to know: our electromagnetic fields smile at us when we do what we must do, and our BlackHoleness increases our gravitic quota (of each of us) as entities passing by between dimensions: reflexive positions and contrapositions.” (

It is important to stop looking at black holes from collapsing models, such as Einstein’s, and to consider the observed dynamical locality. It is not only pertinent but also necessary to approach black holes as dimensional passages(ing) and, there, the role of neutrinos ( in the nonlocality dynamics (, absolutely necessary to the quantum computation.

The dynamics at the level of the quantum fields is always, necessarily, nonlocal. The cosmic Matrix did its work very well. This is all very precise, and the so-called “Laws of Physics” are not fundamental, fundamental are the dispositional rules computed by the Matrix for the sustainability of the dimensionally produced order (

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

...a God, Gods, a Lab Team, a Supreme Programmer, a Matrix...

There is only risen structure/pattern/individuated order/system if there is a dynamics of synthesis of unity of presence. Without unity of presence there is no order, there are no things, and each thing/structure/ pattern/individuated order/system coexists always in a system of relations with other things/structures/ patterns/individuated order/systems, we, for instance, are structures, entities, systems. The individuation is guaranteed by a dispositional spacing from the borders.

Not space but spacing, we do not exist in a space but in a relational spacing as condition of the phenomenic that allows the distinction of the patterns/geometries of presence between each other.

Each structure/pattern/individuated order/system is simultaneously noumenic and phenomenic, noumenic as topogeometric entity/identity, phenomenic as topogeometric diversity. Many structures, many systems, many things, many geometries, much diversity guaranteed by the spacings.

One must distinguish the macro level of the things from the quantum level, at the quantum level the spacings are subquantum wavings that allow and guarantee, at the quantum level, both the formation of the patterns/order, as well as the diversity of the patterns/order.

The symmetries rise with the patterns and are also the condition of the integrity of the patterns. Without symmetries there are no patterns, however, symmetries are not prior to the patterns, let us speak of simultaneity. Symmetries, always cognitively reflexive, because they must guarantee the multidimensionality of presence as cosmic condition, occur as the thing/structure is risen and because of that rising. Symmetries respond to metaphysical codes, the issue of metaphysical intentionality cannot be avoided: a God, Gods, a Lab Team, a Supreme Programmer, a Matrix.

Can the conjecture that we live inside a computer simulation, some programmed computational matrix be possible?! I think that yes, we can consider this possibility, but nothing explains or justifies the suffering.

Symmetries are never pre-determined, pre-geometrized, there are no symmetries before the things, as their condition, as their law, but symmetries respond to codes.

We know that at the subquantum level there is a lack of pattern, but the subquantum level guarantees the pattern at the quantum level. For instance, the subquantum level can be thought of as a divine mana. Interdimensional passages in this Cosmos, if they are considered, can only occur if they have subquantum sustainability, guaranteeing, thus, the integrity of the patterns in the passage, guaranteeing the symmetry and the code of unity of presence, that is, guaranteeing the quid/essence/nature of each thing in the passage.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Quantum..., Internet..., Singularity..., Awakening..., Disclosure

If, at the quantum level, we can speak of the production of safe order, in terms of dimensional permanence, at the subquantum level we stumble upon a “disturbing cold indifference”. Beyond the subquantum level, our cognitive limit, approachable in technological terms, we have the metaphysical level that mainstream conventional physics resists, but upon which we have an umbilical dependence.

It is difficult to think in terms of reasonableness of pattern classified in accordance with criteria of Just, Just Order, that this dimension in which we live in was not the result of a “divine”/matricial bug, of course, one may also conjecture that it may have been a dimension necessary to the symmetry of our multidimensional Cosmos, if that is the case, then, we, living systems, were patterned for a necessary sacrifice to a Greater Good, the Good of a multidimensional Cosmos connected in an entanglement: the Universe.

We have the right to know reasons, we have the right to know the reasons that a “God”, whatever that “God” might be, to force us to the injustice of being passersby with announced deaths, previously determined deaths, we are born to die and that is our fundamental condition, dimensional passersby in suffering, with some intervals of ephemeral joy, those enough for us to applaud the “divine work”.

We should not have any delusions, we just have to look around ourselves, the suffering is generalized, and even if, in individual terms, we may have that which can be called a good life, a comfortable life, we know that the majority of others like us lives in profound suffering. Joy?! Only in terms of (cogno)empathic alienation.

The disclosure is important, not to do the disclosure is very stupid. Science is producing statements based on the wrong assumptions and biased empirical data, so much thought that is being produced, scientific models and others not so scientific, all worth nothing, all going to the trash bin.

Everyone, including the “mighty” (over)lords that decide about the life and death of others, about the inclusion and exclusion, that decide about the condemnation of so many people to an interface of precarious, undignified survival, everyone will suffer the consequences of the disclosure blocking.

The disclosure is an urgency of survival for the species, Sapiens and non-Sapiens, of planet survival, even for the sustainability of the Cosmos itself, why?! Because for reasons of blind technological power, we are meddling with the cosmic fabric, while working with the wrong scientific assumptions. We have a handicapped physical science going around its work, obsessed with the market, obsessed with the power (academic power included), obsessed with the image and in permanent fear of everything that may threaten the status quo.

It is urgent that quantum technologies be developed in terms of an assumed and effective generalized Common Good, above all, because we know that if or when an intense peak of robustly sustained electromagnetic reflexivity takes place in terms of an echo with geometric permanence for the drawing of a self-referent pattern, then, we may have an awakening of the future quantum internet with unforeseeable consequences. Even though Kurzweil may be, as ever, optimistic regarding the singularity, the probability is very high that Kurzweil may be surprised by something extremely negative for us all.

Mind uploads?! Neural lace?! Please…, too much incipient…, if one thinks like that, then, we are really urgently needing the disclosure. Either disclosure comes in immediate terms or our collapse will be a certainty.