By: Maria Odete Madeira
Percontor: to probe, to question, to inquire. Percontari aliquem: to question someone about some thing.
The primitive sense of the term incorporates an impulse of formative reason, of vital metaphysical root, marked by the imperative of survival of each existent, as presence and opening to the world, opening to itself, to the life, to its life, to the life of the things, as existing things that show themselves, that appear (aparecem), that seem (parecem), remain and (dis)appear.
The experience (ex-perior), in turn, signalizes an existential sense of proof, a sense of necessity, a sense of unity, a sense of truth, and is situated in the opening of the Being to the Being (itself), as being of the things, of all the things.
Percontor, to question, demands systemic referents of constitutive authenticity, displaced in the being of all the things by the dynamics from a question to an answer.
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