Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Is there a fixed number of cosmic dimensions?

Is there a fixed number of cosmic dimensions?

This is a question sometimes posed. The answer is: no! The production of cosmic order depends upon the dispositional metaphysical code for the production/construction of possible order.

The Cosmos is a cognitively integrated system in the entanglement that we call Universe (unum+versus, the connection of everything with everything, from the multiple to the unum) and geometrically (cogno)processed by the unity of presence that determines our multidimensional Cosmos.

The Cosmos, this Cosmos has as many dimensions as those necessary for its sustainable integrity. Sometimes it has more dimensions, at other times it has less dimensions. The cosmic dispositionality (dispositio) inserted in the metaphysical code predicts the use of degrees of freedom at the formative fundamental level.

This dimension, our dimension, is a problematic dimension of passage for passersby, necessary to the sustainability of the Cosmos. It will exist while the Cosmic entity needs it to exist, it may remain just as it is or it may change.

Can there be projective signals of an ontological change?! Yes, the problem is whether our Sapiens species is able to read them.

We are ever more alienated from our cosmic constitution, we are ever more dependent upon our biocapitalist tools to see, to listen, to think, to act. Our reflexive ability is being lost to market biopower dynamics.

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