Friday, August 16, 2013 holes are not entities...,


Black holes are not entities, the entities are the systems, in the case of Sagittarius A*, the GalaxySystem.

The black holes are, in the systems, the “pantry” (lacking a better term)…, the systems need to guarantee a permanent critical mass available for dynamics of sustainability, if the black holes are the main source of nutritive energy for the galaxies, the source that guarantees them their systemic permanence, therefore indispensable for the sustainability of the galaxies, the galaxies must also be capable of the dynamics that guarantee their BlackHoleness…, not forgetting, in these dynamics, the role of the electromagnetic fields, in the flux that comes from the FutureNow to the PresentNow, which signalizes to the system the respective constitutive vital needs.

Without the electromagnetic fields the systems would not know anything about the gravitic proportionality that must be kept in the black holes (the “pantries”).

Of course, if things go wrong, and they can always go wrong, it will be for reasons of reflexive “anomaly”: the error is always enacted by “anomaly” in the cognitive dynamics linked to systemic reflexivity/reflexibility.

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