Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Fiat Unum…

 File:Sea otters holding hands.jpg

Fiat Unum: Entanglement?! Particles?! What?! Why?!

1) Particles are cognitive expressions of the fields.

2) Particles do not travel: particles propagate.

3) Particles have a geometric configuration, each particle has a geometric configuration, depending that configuration upon the relations in the fields.

4) Considering that each particle expresses a system of relations, then, each particle is an entity with a systemic nature, if each particle is an entity, then, we have to think of individuation, then, each particle has an individuated geometric configuration sustained by an entanglement of nonlocal quantum relations, without that entanglement there would be no particles, and certainly there would be no propagation of these particles.

5) The particles have to be sustained by a cognitive nonlocality in the sense that they are a synthesis: a synthesis of what?! Each particle is a synthesis linked to an ontology of brevity of a pattern in a NowTime flux.

6) Particles are expressions of the fields' cognitive dynamics, they have the time of a thought in a thinking flux for the existence.

Entanglement is the substance that supports the existence, the existence of the particles, our existence, the existence of each and everything. 

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